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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I Don't Mind

I don't mind that my new Friday nights
are spent singing songs on the couch,
and I don't mind that Saturday mornings
I'm up before the sun.
And it doesn't bother me one bit
that none of my clothes are off limits to spit up.
I always wished for time to pass
and now I just want it to crawl.
Because I know my son wont always be this small,
and some day I'll miss it all.
I never thought I could be so happy and feel so complete,
my favorite days are spent with my two men and my dogs at my feet.
I never thought one day I would be rich,
but I am beyond my dreams.
My son, and my husband, have made my dreams come true,
and being a Mom may be hard work,
but there is nothing I'd rather do.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sometimes on a cold winter day,
there is nothing better then
curling up in bed with a warm blanket
and watching a good movie.
So that is just what Wyatt and I did...

And Maggie read a book :)

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