First I played with my girlfriends. It was a lot of fun but a little frustrating because they are all on the move and I haven't quite figured that out!

The the weather finally decided to warm up so I went for my first stroller ride! I've been wondering what that thing was. It was great, I enjoyed the crisp spring air and watching Maggie running around.
Then we celebrated Uncles Charles and Nick's 21st birthday! It was a good time, the whole family went out to eat and Uncle Nick got to try his VERY FIRST sip of beer! :)
With such a busy life I have to rest when I can, here I am relaxing in the living room, and catching some zzz's at work (don't tell my boss!)
After I was all caught up on sleep, I played with this new toy that Mom made me. It's kinda crazy and makes a loud crinkly noise, but I know she had good intentions for something that would keep me occupied.

Maggie got a new toy too! It's a squeaky fish, she was pretty sad when I took it away from her though.
So I thought I better be nice and give her some of my toys to play with. After all, she is a lot bigger then me.

Maggie is a good big sister though and she let us play together with the toys!

And to top it all off I had swim lessons again this week! No pictures to share though because my swim trunks don't have any pockets for a camera. I had a blast though, I can even go under water! Well I hear Mom coming to get me ready for bed. Maybe I'll be nice tonight and sleep...but I wouldn't count on it :) Goodnight everyone!