Saturday, April 25, 2009
Form Over Function
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Baths, Birthdays, and Blast Off!

Maggie is trying to steal his toys out of the tub!

On another note, in a few short days we will be going on vacation! We leave Monday morning to fly to Minnesota for Justin's cousin's wedding. I have met a lot of Justin's family, but it will be nice to meet more and see those again who I met last summer. I have to admit that the idea of going to Minnesota has never thrilled me, but it will still be a great trip. Wyatt is such a lucky kid that in his short 7 months this is already his second vacation! And....we have two more planned this summer. It really is too bad that he won't remember these fun trips and meeting everybody for the first time. But I always make sure to take plenty of pictures so that he can see he was there and all the fun that we had.
P.S. Saturday is Dad's birthday, Happy Birthday DAD! And Monday is Uncle Larry's birthday, Happy 70th Birthday Uncle Larry!!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Big Boy Pajamas

I feel like I want to put one hand on his top and one on his bottom and squish him back down to newborn size where he seemed to fit so perfectly curled between my chin and my chest. I recently held a newborn, just slightly larger then Wyatt was when he was born. She felt like a doll in my arms. A fragile glass doll that required 2 steady hands for every move. I feel Wyatt was never this small, yet he was smaller. Tonight I tucked my little bean into bed with his feet less pajamas, and went and curled up on the couch next to my husband. My mind drifted to Wyatt's first morning home from the hospital, and how I got up before Justin to enjoy the silence and stillness of the autumn morning with my new baby in my arms. I couldn't imagine him smiling, or crawling, jumping, rolling, wearing big boy pajamas...yet he is. At no other point in our lives do we grow and change at this incredible rate of speed. We would all be super genius giants if this were the case. So here he is, just jumped into the deep end of life and into a whole life filled with many adventures, and many nights of cold feet in his feet less big boy pajamas.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Hippety Hoppety Easter's here today

Thursday, April 9, 2009
Hello Hindsight
Monday, April 6, 2009
Up Up and Away