Justin and I feel blessed to have such a large group of family and friends spread across the country. However that also means it is hard to stay in touch with everyone. So we set up this blog with the idea that it will give our friends & family a peek into our world and keep everyone up to date with our family.
That being said, I can not believe that our son is almost 3 months old already! Everyone said the time will fly and they sure were right. It brings tears to my eyes to think that it just seems like yesterday when I held him for the first time. I know that time will continue to fly so everyday I hold him tight and kiss him a million times. I treasure every smile and little coo, they just melt my heart. Also within the past two weeks he has started to roll! Just a few times now but I know it won't be long before he is on the move! And by far the news I'm happiest to report is that last night for the very first time he slept for 7 hours! This was quite a change to the usual 2-3 and I kept waking to check on him. I hope it wasn't just a one time deal!
This past week I decided to go back to work two days a week. Sunday was my first day and I only worked four hours, but boy was it hard to be away from Wyatt. He was with his very capable Daddy but it was still hard to be away and even harder when I called home and heard him crying in the background! Even though he has a lot of Daddy time, he is a Mamma's boy and had a hard time. So I hope that it will get easier for him next week or I will be "forced" to be a stay at home Mom :)
We will try to keep this up to date so check back in with us!
Congratulations to all of you on the birth of such a sweet little baby boy. He's so adorable and I hope I get to meet him soon.
Love you lots, Aunt Kathy
Hi Erin and Justin! Wyatt is so adorable!! I wish I could hold him and kiss those sweet cheeks! Don't worry, Eric and I are still trying to figure out parenting! haha. I hope you have the most merry new year! Love, Danielle, Eric, Daniella, Eric Anthony, and Richard.
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