Well we have been back from our trip for almost two weeks now and I am just now finding the time to sit down and update! We had a great time and despite me being on edge about how Wyatt was going to be every step of the way, he did perfectly. A minute or two of crying on the plane here and there, but that's all. And even though some guy had the nerve to give me a dirty look, I decided it was best not to pinch Wyatt, so that he would cry harder :) It was great to see family down in Georgia and Florida, and take Wyatt on the boat and out to the farm, and boy oh boy does Wyatt love his Great Grandpa. Him and Papa took to each other right away and quickly became buddies. Hopefully we will be able to make the trip to Georgia often so they can continue to spend time together. After 10 warm relaxing days, Justin and I did consider just "missing" our flight, but decided it was best to return home.
Now that we are back, Wyatt seems to be growing in leaps and bounds. He is teething, starting to eat some food, and laughing and smiling like crazy! And now everything he touches goes into his mouth! He is so much fun to be with though. I have started doing receptionist work for my Uncle Larry on weekday afternoons and I am lucky enough to be able to take Wyatt with me. I can't imagine having to leave him with someone else, even though it is just four hours I feel like I would miss so much. He makes me so proud though just being his happy content self all day long at the office, he makes me look good :)
Hope everyone is doing well and Happy Valentines Day to all!
1 comment:
Your baby is so darn cute! What a doll!
agray81 from babyfit
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