Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Well it finally happened. My trusty old computer that I got when I graduated high school has finally met its demise. It came in the form of a power surge. Luckily I had all of my pictures backed up! So for now we are computer less which means less blogging(although I have to admit I've been slacking lately). But with a crawling, climbing, cruising, teething, eating wonderful son, I have my hands full anyways! We are very much enjoying or summer though we have had great weather in the 70's mostly, with much needed breaks of rain every few days. Right now I'm used to this "hot" alaskan weather but next week it is off to Georgia! Wyatt and I will travel down for my brother Josh's wedding on July 4th. With family coming in from the surrounding states and a lot of wedding details to take care of, it won't be as relaxing as our normal visits to Papa's but it will still be great to see everyone again. I think I'll have to start cranking up the heat and running the humidifier in Wyatt's room at night to get him used to the 100 degree+ weather that they have been having in Georgia! After we spend the week in Georgia we will be flying over to Oregon to meet Justin and his family on the coast in Seaside. We have rented a beach house for everyone to stay in which will definitely make for a interesting trip! By the time July is over Wyatt and I will need a vacation from our vacations, just to rest up and sleep in our own beds! I will definitely post pictures of the upcoming nuptials and our vacation antics when I get a chance. Until then I hope everyone is soaking up the summer sun!

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