Not only was this the day 40 years ago the we landed on the moon, this was the day 10 months ago that my wiggly Wyatt was born! It is hard to believe that just around the corner is his first birthday! I think I am in a little bit of denial about him turning one. I see it as a transition from a baby to a toddler, yet in my eyes he is still my little baby! I suspect in a mother's eyes though, her children are always her little babies. Nowadays my heart swells with pride when I look at his smiling face. He is on the verge of walking, and is getting into and exploring everything! He is so happy and easy going and I want to just hold him and cuddle him close in my arms, but my squirmy little boy just wants to get down and play instead. So I may be guilty of rocking him a few extra minutes at night, and letting him fall asleep in my arms. His rosy cheek resting on my arm and his mouth falling open just like his Daddy's. But I just cant resist, and he always smells so sweet and clean when I kiss his soft skin. I sit in the dark silence of his bedroom and listen to him breath and try to record every detail of the moment in my mind, and lock it away. Then on those days when he is a teenager and giving me hell, I can look back at these days that mean everything to me and smile. So here's a look at my boy, 10 months old and full of fire!

Also even though I'm a little late now, On July 11th my parents celebrated their 28th wedding anniversary!! Congratulations!

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