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Friday, January 29, 2010

A Much Welcomed Piece of Mail

In my past few years as a student at the University of Alaska, most of the letters I have received have either said something along the lines of "please pay your parking ticket" or "stop being lazy and do your work" of course they word things a little better then that. So the letter I received in the mail today made me so happy, and proud of myself:

It was so nice to see some recognition for my hard work last semester and earning my first 4.0 gpa in my college history. Especially since I did it while still taking care of a little fireball and dealing with constant morning sickness. I may be bragging a little bit, but it's something I rarely get to do. =)


Autumn said...

Wow! Great work!

Cat said...

Yay!!! That's so awesome!

Holly said...

Congrats! Good for you, way to be awesome:)

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