Well after a week of very late nights, a couple frusterating setbacks, and cut, dry hands from working with tile, our bathroom is finished! It's still the size of a hole in the wall, but at least now it's a nice looking hole in the wall.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
Sink Time!
This past week we gutted and remodeled our one and only bathroom, so bathtime for Wyatt became sink time. We are just finishing up the loose ends on the bathroom and then it will be done, I can't wait! It looks great so far.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
True Feelings
Have you seen the sad Humane Society commercials? Well, my son loves them. In the evening we watch MTV2 because all they play is music videos, and we crank it up and dance. Well, the main commercial they play is either the Humane Society or the ASPCA commercial, both of which Wyatt will hear from another room and come running to watch. These commercials are so sad to watch and I always thought Wyatt just liked them for the animals, but the other day I happened to catch his expression while watching it - I guess he disagrees with cruelty to animals as well.

Sunday, February 14, 2010
Valentines Day
Before Justin and I dated, I always told him, I'm not a long term relationship type of person. I guess I just hadn't met the right guy...
Six years ago, Justin and I spent our first Valentines Day together. We weren't yet a couple, but had gone on a couple dates and had been friends for years.
Well, earlier that same month Justin had returned from having reconstructive jaw surgery in Vancouver, followed by six weeks of having his jaw wired shut. And by Valentines day he was still healing and was on a soft food diet, with most of his jaw still numb.
But not being one to admit pain, Justin invited me over for dinner, and the main course was steaks. Rock hard, chewy chewy steaks. Yet, Justin and I sat there, with sprinkled conversation, and awkward silences as we both tried to chew and swallow the bricks in front of us. Neither of us wanting to say anything about how bad they were - now that's love. It wasn't until years later that we talked about how terrible they were!
But, I would rather have rock steaks with Justin then succulent prime rib with anyone else. And now I have a great story to share about our first Valentines together. Happy Valentines Day!
Six years ago, Justin and I spent our first Valentines Day together. We weren't yet a couple, but had gone on a couple dates and had been friends for years.
Well, earlier that same month Justin had returned from having reconstructive jaw surgery in Vancouver, followed by six weeks of having his jaw wired shut. And by Valentines day he was still healing and was on a soft food diet, with most of his jaw still numb.
But not being one to admit pain, Justin invited me over for dinner, and the main course was steaks. Rock hard, chewy chewy steaks. Yet, Justin and I sat there, with sprinkled conversation, and awkward silences as we both tried to chew and swallow the bricks in front of us. Neither of us wanting to say anything about how bad they were - now that's love. It wasn't until years later that we talked about how terrible they were!
But, I would rather have rock steaks with Justin then succulent prime rib with anyone else. And now I have a great story to share about our first Valentines together. Happy Valentines Day!
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Hmm, What Could This Be?
Dinner last night involved bratwursts, which of course you need ketchup for. Well after Wyatt had successfully smeared his dinner around his tray and on himself (he's not eating much since being sick) I stood him up to take his ketchup covered shirt off and this is what I discovered:

Since Wyatt is on amoxicillin for his sinus infection, I was suspicious. I put in a call to his pediatricians office to check about the dosage of benedryl that he could have. Well they felt I better bring him in just to have it looked at, and quickly since they closed in 20 minutes!
By the time we made the short drive over, got checked in, and Wyatt undressed, his rash had spread like wildfire. He was covered, it was even on his face. The doctor also noticed that his breathing was sounding labored. After examining the rash and his breathing, she decided that just like Dad, Wyatt is allergic to the cillin family. Also discovered was that despite being on antibiotics for a few days already, Wyatt has developed a double ear infection. I feel horrible for our little guy and just wish that there was something I could do to ease his pain.
We quickly started him on benedryl and ibuprofin - which is supposed to help with throat swelling in addition to the benedryl. And this evening we will nervously start zithromax to see if it clears up his ear infections. His rash is still rampant today though so if he can stay awake long enough tonight (benedryl makes for a sleepy Wyatt) then he will have a nice soothing oatmeal bath. He is supposed to continue on benedryl every 6 hours until the rash goes away, which we've been warned could take a few days. I predict a zombie at our house this weekend.
Justin is allergic to what seems like every drug under the sun. And while I was hoping to avoid that path with Wyatt, it looks like one we might have to travel down. I'm just hoping now (and hopefully I'm saying this for the last time for a long while) that Wyatt will finally start feeling better!

Wyatt on top of the world
Since Wyatt is on amoxicillin for his sinus infection, I was suspicious. I put in a call to his pediatricians office to check about the dosage of benedryl that he could have. Well they felt I better bring him in just to have it looked at, and quickly since they closed in 20 minutes!
By the time we made the short drive over, got checked in, and Wyatt undressed, his rash had spread like wildfire. He was covered, it was even on his face. The doctor also noticed that his breathing was sounding labored. After examining the rash and his breathing, she decided that just like Dad, Wyatt is allergic to the cillin family. Also discovered was that despite being on antibiotics for a few days already, Wyatt has developed a double ear infection. I feel horrible for our little guy and just wish that there was something I could do to ease his pain.
We quickly started him on benedryl and ibuprofin - which is supposed to help with throat swelling in addition to the benedryl. And this evening we will nervously start zithromax to see if it clears up his ear infections. His rash is still rampant today though so if he can stay awake long enough tonight (benedryl makes for a sleepy Wyatt) then he will have a nice soothing oatmeal bath. He is supposed to continue on benedryl every 6 hours until the rash goes away, which we've been warned could take a few days. I predict a zombie at our house this weekend.
Justin is allergic to what seems like every drug under the sun. And while I was hoping to avoid that path with Wyatt, it looks like one we might have to travel down. I'm just hoping now (and hopefully I'm saying this for the last time for a long while) that Wyatt will finally start feeling better!
Wyatt on top of the world
Monday, February 8, 2010
A Look Inside
Today I am 19 weeks pregnant! We had our anatomy scan this morning to make sure that the baby is growing fine, and everything looked great and right on track! We aren't finding out the gender this time, although Justin and I have a guess. But here are a couple pictures of the bean. Just like Wyatt he/she was laying funny so no great pictures, but here are the best out of the ones we got!



Sunday, February 7, 2010
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Today We Walked
The air still has a chill that will bite at your cheeks, but as I watched the temperature creep above zero and settle around ten degrees, I decided we would brave the elements. A few minutes and many layers later, we were bundled up and ready to go. I rescued the sled from under a layer of snow and away we went. The park is only a 7 minute walk from our house so that was our destination. Wyatt took in all of the sights as we walked down the snow covered sidewalk. He was silent except for the occasional "whee" he let out every now and then. As we came around the corner and the park came into view, his eyes lit up. Of course a park covered in a few feet of snow isn't quite as much fun as it is in the summer, he was still excited.
I let him venture out on his own, and he wandered down the packed down paths that cris-crossed the park. Every now and then he would glance back to make sure I was still there, smile, and continue on his way.

Eventually we made our way to the playground equipment. We went down the slide, and then Wyatt discovered in winter it is impossible to walk back up a slippery slide - a little disappointing. We climbed on the wooden structures, and I started to regret not putting snow pants on myself as my jeans were now wet from the snow.
Eventually we made our way to the playground equipment. We went down the slide, and then Wyatt discovered in winter it is impossible to walk back up a slippery slide - a little disappointing. We climbed on the wooden structures, and I started to regret not putting snow pants on myself as my jeans were now wet from the snow.
After a good 45 minutes of playing, Wyatt's legs began to grow tired from trudging through the snow, and we decided to pack up the sled and head home.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Down and Out
Tuesday evening I held my little lump in my arms, and he felt hot hot hot. I took his temperature and the thermometer read 103.8! Justin questioned the accuracy, so after digging around for a while to find another thermometer we took it again and got a reading of 104. I called Wyatt's pediatrician's office, and luckily they don't close until 8pm, so they were able to get us in at 7:40. I'm not too fond of the pediatrician we saw(not our normal doc) but he did decide that Wyatt had a sinus infection and some fluid in his ears. That would explain things! Despite forcing tylenol and motrin down his throat all night, along with antibiotics, his fever didn't go down, and we all had a very restless night. Wednesday was much the same, Wyatt = lump. His fever was still bouncing between 102-104 and he wasn't eating. Being that he is my baby I was starting to worry. Thursday he seemed to hit his low. He slept for 90% of the day and would fall asleep in my arms any chance he got, he didn't eat, and his temperature was still hovering in the 103 range. Then, like someone flipped a switch, he woke up from a nap Thursday evening and was happy, playing, and even asking for food! I was hoping that he had turned the corner and we were on the road to recovery. Today, Friday he seems to be his normal wacky self. Still slightly warm, yet nowhere near the boiling point he was at these past few days. I am so happy that he is feeling better, especially since I think both of us were getting a little stir crazy just sitting in the house! This was his first illness and hopefully the last for at least a while to come!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Prelude To An Illness
Sunday morning Wyatt and I woke up as Justin was heading to bed - he just got off working nights the past couple days. We started about our normal morning together routine, made coffee and breakfast for both of us, then settled on the couch together to watch Mickey Mouse. After a couple minutes of Wyatt hanging out on the living room floor he came over and climbed into my lap - a welcome surprise. Normally if my wiggly worm even asks to be held, it only lasts a minute or two. Yet surprisingly he sat on my lap, and shared the occasional sip of coffee with me, making a quiet "mmm" sound after every sip. Now Wyatt has never been one to cuddle. Ever since he could move on his own he has been on the go, so this was a situation I was definitely going to take advantage of. We went to his book basket and gathered a few books, then tucked ourselves into the corner of the couch for a good read. Several reads of "Go Dog Go", and "Goodnight Moon" later, he was still happy as a clam on my lap. Not wanting to get up and on with our day, when I was enjoying every second of this so much, I pulled out our laptop and Wyatt and I paid a visit to youtube.com. He has been learning farm animal sounds and just loves animals in general, so we looked up various videos of farm animals making noises - this was a huge hit! Wyatt's favorite was the donkey, he would make his "cheeser" face, look at me and crack up laughing as the donkey he-hawed away.
An hour later I decided as much as I was enjoying this rare occasion, we should probably get on with the day. As the day went on Wyatt was his fun and happy self, yet he was getting progressively more cranky. I suspected something might be lurking but was hoping that wasn't the case. Sunday night he slept in our bed, now I knew it was coming, just didn't know when. Monday morning I woke, anticipating a sick son. And yet, no signs of illness. I however was another story. After two and a half years cold free, I was hit, and I think I have a sinus infection to boot! Monday went relatively well, a little crank, but otherwise himself. Monday night he again spent in between Justin and I in bed, Tuesday morning, it had arrived. His first real illness, caught right from me. He's red, he's hot, he's stuffy and cranky and I feel horrible for him. Right now he's down for a nap with a fever of 101.2, and that's after his dose of tylenol. I sure did enjoy the cuddly little boy who I hadn't met before, but now I'm ready for my little fireball back.
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