Since Wyatt is on amoxicillin for his sinus infection, I was suspicious. I put in a call to his pediatricians office to check about the dosage of benedryl that he could have. Well they felt I better bring him in just to have it looked at, and quickly since they closed in 20 minutes!
By the time we made the short drive over, got checked in, and Wyatt undressed, his rash had spread like wildfire. He was covered, it was even on his face. The doctor also noticed that his breathing was sounding labored. After examining the rash and his breathing, she decided that just like Dad, Wyatt is allergic to the cillin family. Also discovered was that despite being on antibiotics for a few days already, Wyatt has developed a double ear infection. I feel horrible for our little guy and just wish that there was something I could do to ease his pain.
We quickly started him on benedryl and ibuprofin - which is supposed to help with throat swelling in addition to the benedryl. And this evening we will nervously start zithromax to see if it clears up his ear infections. His rash is still rampant today though so if he can stay awake long enough tonight (benedryl makes for a sleepy Wyatt) then he will have a nice soothing oatmeal bath. He is supposed to continue on benedryl every 6 hours until the rash goes away, which we've been warned could take a few days. I predict a zombie at our house this weekend.
Justin is allergic to what seems like every drug under the sun. And while I was hoping to avoid that path with Wyatt, it looks like one we might have to travel down. I'm just hoping now (and hopefully I'm saying this for the last time for a long while) that Wyatt will finally start feeling better!
Wyatt on top of the world
Oh my goodness, poor little guy. Hope he feels better soon!
Poor baby! I hope it clears up.
But quite the awesome picture at the end there.
That is so sad! Sariah developed a rash after being put on amoxicillin (for an ear infection). They decided to just play it safe and say she is allergic, even though I have heard they can get something called a "fever rash" which isn't an allergic reaction though. There are enough drugs out there, we will avoid amox with Sariah. My bet Wyatt's is an allergic reaction based on Justin! Sariah's rash spread sooo quickly too. Good thing you got him in before they closed!
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