On Thursday we lost one of our best friends. She was our running partner, our bed warmer, our floor sweeper, our protector, she was a member of our family.

Justin and I got Maggie the summer before we got married. We decided we wanted a Great Dane, and found someone who had a litter. I went to pick one out and she was not the one I wanted. I held all of the other females, yet every time I turned around, there she was sitting at my feet wagging her tail. So finally I picked her up in my arms, and that's where she stayed. She was only 7 weeks old and barely over 6 pounds. It's hard to remember her ever being that small. Yet that small little black and white ball instantly made a big impact on our lives.

She was our baby before Wyatt, and never stopped being our baby. When we first got her, Justin and I were about to move from our apartment, which didn't allow pets, into our current home. So she stayed at my parent's house for the first month. But she was too cute and too sweet to stay away from, and I would wrap up that little puppy like a baby, and sneak her into our apartment day after day, then bring her back to my parent's at night. As she got bigger that swaddled baby started to whimper and squirm, and sometimes even had a little black tail with white tip that would hang out of the end of the blanket, yet no one ever said a word.

And the day we brought Wyatt home from the hospital, I knew we had a special dog. He was instantly hers, and she was his
They became best friends. Sharing toys, snacks, and sticks. Wyatt's newest trick was holding on tight to her tail and yelling "go go go!" And Maggie would lumber around the living room, pulling Wyatt, who was giggling with delight, behind her.

She left us so unexpectedly after four very short, but wonderful years of life. I would give just about anything for one more day with her. One more night curled up in bed with her. One more sloppy kiss. One more chance to see her and Wyatt play in the yard, neither of them with a care in the world.

We miss her more then words can begin to say. But we are forever grateful for what she gave to our lives. She was never our dog, and always our baby.
This is from a poem I wrote when I was 12 years old, it seems to fit:
"Nothing can hold you, or help your heart to mend, for nothing can ease the loss of a friend."
We love you Maggie, Rest In Peace.
April 11, 2006 - May 13, 2010
oh erin
my deepest heartfelt sympathy
what a BEAUTIFUL tribute post to Maggie!
it made me cry and it made me long to see her and wyatt play, best of friends forever
... to pet her and hug her too...even though i never met her there was something in her eyes the touched my heart like she was my friend too
what great pictures...she looks like a little doting nanny
life can feel so unfair when those we love and those that love us with all their hearts are taken from our lives so soon
i too know the searing pain of losing a best doggy friend
i wish i had something to make it all better...but i don't...time will replace the hurt with fond memories...but the ache will always be there
take comfort in knowing you gave maggie an amazing life...and that though she's gone..she will still watch over wyatt...and they will meet again someday far from now
all of you again
because anyone who has ever loved a dog and believe in god knows it's true, all dogs do go to heaven
big hugs from a far
maggie was a beautiful soul indeed!
Erin I am so sorry for your loss. Maggie was a great dog--I remember when you first got her! This post was a perfect tribute to her.
Tabitha said it perfectly. Things like this break my heart. So sad after only 4 short years. My heartgoes out to you and your family, I know how hard the loss of such a great companion can be.
What makes it even harder is when people that aren't dog people act like it was "just a pet." And you really lost a child or best friend.
All I can say is time will truely heal your pain, but I know it is so hard right now.
R.I.P Maggie
I'm so very sorry! You made me cry. Animals are so much a part of the family!
I'm sorry for your loss. What a beautiful dog, and this is an amazing tribute to her. She was as lucky to have your family as you were to have her.
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