With only four weeks left until my due date I have found myself in a completely different mindset then had when I was pregnant with Wyatt. I am so excited to meet this baby and hold them in my arms, and for Wyatt to have a brother or sister to play with. Yet at the same time I feel like I am searching for more time to spend with Wyatt as an only child.
He has always had 100% of my attention, and him and I are a team. We have our routine, our special things that we do together, and I feel slightly guilty about how his world is going to soon change. From day to day these feelings change, oh the joys of pregnancy emotions! Yesterday I was smiling from ear to ear thinking about how I am giving Wyatt one of the best gifts anyone can get. And by this time next year they will be outside playing and getting dirty together. Maybe it's that I feel if he finds a new play partner, that I will be squeezed out a little, but I guess no matter how many kids we have, Wyatt and I will always have a special bond.
Wyatt is so cute and I love seeing his fun personality through pictures. If it makes you feel any better, I had all of the same thoughts and feelings before Carter was born too. It's a hard adjustment going from just having one baby that's the center of your world to two kids and having to split your time and energy. The great thing though, is that you don't have to split your love, that just keeps multiplying until you feel like your heart is literally going to burst because it's so full of love and joy. There's something so special and perfect about watching Jacob play with Carter, or wanting to hold him, or lean over and give him a kiss. Those moments are priceless.
And you're right, there will always be a unique and special bond with your first born, they're who made you a mom.
You're a GREAT mom Erin, I love reading your blog and hearing about your adventures and daily life. Next time we're in Fairbanks we definitely need to get together! :)
P.S. Your belly is super cute!
oh my goodness your belly pic is so cute! i can't believe you are so little at 36 weeks!!
doesn't time just fly with number 2!?!
we tried for a year to get pregnant with our second child which included 1 miscarriage. i was SO happy to finally be blessed with another baby that i was shocked when feeling of resentment came in
i was sad that this new baby was going to take away time and attention from my princess--my first and the love of my whole life...i cried about that very thing the night i went into labor
how could i even love anyone as much as her?
but...of course...that whole "enough love" thing is true and when that second baby, tayla, came out it was like my heart exploded it was so full of love. and be prepared...when you see wyatt after holding your little baby he is going to seem HUGE, like he grew into a boy over night
so yes...there is a little sad with making room for number two...but it's soon replaced my a million times more joy--and when you see the two of them playing together the world will seem perfect
just take these last few weeks to really enjoy your time with him and the pregnancy
ps--i felt the same way with #3 :)
pss--wyatt is an adorable little goofball!
Thank you both! It's wonderful to hear some reassurance from Moms who have done this before!
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