When my swiftly growing Wyatt was born, there was a moment when he was about a week old that will forever be imprinted in my mind. We finally crawled out of bed about 10am and walked into the living room to find a snowy scene through the front window. The lawn was being covered with the very first snow of the year. I held Wyatt up, both of us in our warm pajamas, his head resting between my chin and my chest, and we watched the snow flakes drift down from the sky together. No one else in the world mattered. I remember how he smelled, I remember exactly how I felt, completely bliss full.
I've been waiting for that special moment with Ben. One that I would always remember fondly. And yesterday, I got that moment. With Wyatt down for a nap, and Justin off at work, I settled into the couch to nurse my little boy. A short while and a nice full belly later, his eyes started to get heavy, and he curled his little naked besides his diaper body into mine and drifted off to dreamland. I pulled out the laptop and went to visit my favorite photo blog, and on that site a version of Blackbird by the Beatles poured out of my speakers. And when the music reached his ears, Ben's eyes popped open, he looked around, then right at me. He suddenly looked so awake and alert. So I stood up, that warm little body wrapped snug in my arms, and we danced.
Blackbird played on repeat in the background, too many times to count, and we swayed and twirled and he held my gaze and looked deep into my eyes as if to say, "I know this, we've done this before." And indeed we have, since dancing is not a rare event in our house. And little tears of joy slid down my cheek as my eyes stayed fixed with his. And a feeling of pure happiness came over me, this was our moment.
And sometimes those special moments are meant to be shared. So when our wonderful Daddy came home from work, the eye gazing, and the dancing continued.
This weekend was full of those perfectly special, unplanned, but couldn't go any better, moments. Complete with impromptu after dinner walks to the park, carousel rides, and cuddling with Papa.
When life is good, it's really good.
I'm so happy for you guys, Erin! Your family is beautiful and I'm glad that life isn't too crazy to enjoy the little moments.
awww make me cry why don't you? :) The little moments are always the most precious.
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