Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, August 15, 2010


Nothing tastes better then fresh picked veggies, especially when they come from your own backyard. Well I can't take credit for the crisp sugar snap peas (they came from the local farmer's market), I can take credit for the plump juicy tomatoes. And my little picker helps me check each morning for more fresh "matos" to eat.

And you have to balance out all that goodness, with a little sugar every now and then. And an icy cool popsicle goes down nice and smooth when it's 95 degrees out. Yep, that's right, I didn't reverse those numbers, it hit 95 degrees here today in chilly ol' AK.

And while you're on that sugar rush, you can't let a huge sheet cake go to waste, right?

Somehow, even with his diet consisting only of veggies and sugar, he manages to keep things in line.

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