I felt like my eyes were deceiving me today when I glanced at the calendar while passing through the kitchen. I did a double take followed by running my finger down the line of numbered boxes, yep, November somehow slipped by me. Can Thanksgiving really just be next week? I guess that's what happens when your everyday seems like a roller coaster ride (the good kind where you are laughing and happily screaming because it is thrilling your socks off and not the kind where your stomach is lurching and your eyes are shut tight, while silently praying that the cart stays on the tracks and please for the love of God, stops soon!) Yep, things are in full-kids-keep-you-busy-swing. Time to sit in front of the computer and type for more then a two minute block has been limited to after bedtime. And still then sometimes my hands find better things to do, like work on the boys Christmas present, and so our blog sits idle. And I think some days "oh that would be great to write about" then when I finally sit down, those thoughts are long gone, and I look at the blank page with the eagerly blinking cursor for what feels like an eternity, before I click away to etsy to see what goodness I can find.
But lately there is something that just melts my heart and makes me beam with pride. It's seeing the little man, and the awesome big brother that Wyatt has become. Of course he has been a big brother for four months now, but just like I had to find my groove with two kids, he had to find his brother groove. And it took him a little while, but now he is rocking it. We've started letting Ben sample some "solid" foods here and there, and Wyatt jumps at any opportunity to feed his little brother. He loads the spoon up with just the right amount of goopy orange sweet potatoes, navigates the spoon through the obstacle course of Ben's grabby hands, and lands it right in his happily awaiting mouth.

We also have had frequent requests for "brother dance" and "brother play trains" Of course those are also balanced out with the "ahh no touch Wyatt's toys brother!" But the "please dos" are starting to out number the "please don'ts" and it makes me so proud to see the brother that Wyatt has become.

His imagination these days is like someone just suddenly lit the fire underneath it, and sparked this amazing amount of creativity that pops up and fills our days with endless laughter and smiles. The past two nights Wyatt has been scouring the house trying to find himself a pair of roller skates. He tried binoculars on his feet, blocks, train tracks, a toy seahorse, and finally found tonight that he can take two foam bath letters, set them on the floor and stand on top of them. Yep, those work nicely for roller skates. We've also been instructed on several occasions over the past week that he is a baby dinosaur, and not Wyatt. And any following questions have been answered with little baby dinosaur roars. I love having such an imaginative dinosaur for a son!

And, big doings going on over in this house. Brother has learned to sit up on his own! There was no fiddling around with it, trying it out for a couple days, testing the waters. Nope just hello, I think today I shall sit. And he's a pro to boot! He'll sit on his own for 5+ minutes, talk about jumping in with two feet.
When Wyatt was little, these type of milestones were almost bittersweet because it meant he was, more quickly then I wanted him to, growing out of the baby stage. With Ben though, things are slightly different. There isn't the slight little sigh that accompanies a step out of infant life. This time around there is just happiness, anticipation and excitement. See now I've seen what the months to come have in store, and I know that each passing month only brings more fun and joy as he will start to transform and play and interact with us. I can't wait for the day when I can chase both of my boys through the grass in the front yard and hear both of the shrieks and whoops as I scoop them up and throw them in the air. Of course it will be then that I find that sigh creeping up when I realize how big they both are.

But for now, I'm loving the stage that they are both in. Enjoying every moment as Mama dinosaur.
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