It sure looks like we spend quite a bit of time sans clothes, but for the record, I usually have mine on, usually.
Unlike my Wyatt, who seems to need to be naked just to perform ordinary tasks, like eating, or taking a nap. But our allowed to be naked years are short, so I allow it. Plus how cute is a tiny little heiny running around the house?
I uploaded these pictures this morning, yet I've had to think all day about what to day. I suppose I really just wanted to share some pictures, so I apologize if this seems a little disjointed and scattered.
My mind has been running on overdrive lately. We've reached the midterm point for the semester and I'm happy to say that I have a 4.0. But with so much time spent with my head in a textbook, or my fingers pounding out a paper, I've wanted something creative to do, something a little more fun.
And it just so happened, in perfect timing, that one of the blogs I follow was doing a sew-along. So I decided, sure, why not. But now I have this beautiful completed project, with no one to put in it, because I made, my very first, little dress.

I absolutely love it! I wasn't sure about the fabric that I chose, but it's perfect. It makes my heart wish just a little bit harder that one day we will have a little girl to put in it, but just in case we never do, I made sure to try it on the only model I have who wouldn't object. Let's just say it fits an 8 month old boy perfectly...
And speaking of that perfect eight month old boy...he's the proud new owner of two bright, pearly white chompers. It is an almost impossible task to get a good clear picture of those first teeth nubs soon after they break free. But me being so wild and crazy, I tried.
The first attempt was close, but not quite, but I got lost in those deep blue eyes of his anyways.