And lately I find myself doing a lot of peering around corners, and spying over the half wall into the living room, because something is developing around here. Something I've been dreaming of since day one when I first held Ben's slippery little body against my chest and Wyatt leaned in and kissed that minutes old wrinkled forehead. It's a little bit of camaraderie, right here on the very floor that just so recently was battleground central when it came to toys. Wyatt's will pass toys in Ben's direction (of course while stealing others) and say in the sweetest big brother voice at the first whimper sound out of Ben's mouth, "it's ok brother, Wyatt's here."
I'm such a sap, and I've been waiting for this, dreaming of the day that they will go zipping from room to room, leaving an explosion of toys in their wake. And granted, I may be getting a little ahead of myself here, but the magic is starting. And as Wyatt snapped and whistled for Ben to follow him to his room, Ben so happily obliged, lifting his little chubby knees as fast as he could, flashing his little toothless grin in Wyatt's direction.

I am one happy Mama, and although my little babies may be ever so rapidly transforming, changing and growing, I know that pretty soon, my arms will be full with brand new, tiny and pink little bundles of newborn baby, because I currently have 13 friends expecting this spring and summer, lucky 13. I can't wait to hold those little babies and feel their little fingers curl over mine as friends exclaim across the room about how tiny they are and that there is no way my babies were ever this small. Friends and babies are two of the best gifts in life, and when combined - an overload of love, truly one of the best things in life.
Cute pictures Erin! You almost make me cry because I know my little girls are almost in that same place Wyatt and Ben are at now! Kayla is getting closer and closer to crawling, I know it will all come too soon. Sariah is such a great big sister and it will be so fun to finally have them play together and follow each other around! It makes my heart happpy. :)
Erin, I just love your blog. You have a way of putting into words so perfectly what is in every mother's heart. I hope we can all get together this summer when we are in Fairbanks! Hang in there with school and all the craziness!
I love this post, I've been thinking about the exact same thing the last few days. Yesterday afternoon Carter and Jacob were running and laughing completely lost in their own world and I couldn't help but tear up a little bit as I sat on the couch watching and listening to them. I love seeing them become best friends.
as always--beautiful post as always!
and fantastic pictures!!
13 babies!!!
oh my goodness!!!
Go Ben! You do have a way with words!! Love your blog!
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