Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, October 30, 2009

Put You Dukes Up

He definitely plays differently with Daddy than he does with Mommy, here he is being a true boy!

Justin and Wyatt have such a great time playing together, Wyatt brings out the child that is still very much alive in Justin. And it seems that just as my energy and ideas are running out, Justin gets home and it's like a new friend just came to play. The scope of my creativity is pretty broad when it comes to entertaining Wyatt, but sometimes Justin thinks of things to do that would never cross my mind. Yesterday he bought him a small remote control car, scared Wyatt to death! His little legs ran so fast out of the living room and away from that car! Eventually he did figure out that he could drive it on the floor without the remote, and then it was fun. Last night we turned off all the lights and Justin pulled out two flashlights and Wyatt seemed so entranced watching the lights dance on the wall and you can really tell that he is getting older because as soon as Justin gave him the flashlights he tried to do exactly what his Daddy had just showed him, so cute!

Justin has the next week off, which I love about his schedule, and we are really looking forward to this weekend. Wyatt's friend Adam's first birthday party is tonight, and Grandpa's birthday/Halloween is tomorrow! I'm glad we aren't having Grandpa's birthday at our house like usual because we get a whole slough of trick-or-treaters that just think we are idiots for having a "Happy Birthday" sign hanging in our house, so this year someone else can look like the idiots =)Happy Halloween Everyone!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


It's been snowing for two days now, how does Wyatt feel?

He LOVES it!!!

I'm Going to Get You Ducks!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Wild Goose Chase

Well, wild Mallard chase to be exact. Every winter there is a group of birds that hangs around the Chena River down by Alaskaland, apparently they didn't get the message about migrating. We decided to pay them a visit today while Justin was at work. So Wyatt and I, with a loaf of bread in tow headed down there. Wyatt was a little unsure at first, but quickly warmed up to them and was chasing the ducks and throwing bread at them! I tried to show him how they will eat out of your hand, but he seemed a little scared of that idea, then again I would be scared of a duck that came up to my waist eating out of my hand! We will have to buy a few more loaves of bread and go again on Justin's day off.

Pumpkins round one and two!

When Justin was a kid, his Grandparents had a tradition, before Halloween, they would pick up the grandkids and take them all to pick out pumpkins, then back to their house for dinner and pumpkin carving, followed by some homemade hot chocolate! Well years have passed and now the grandkids have kids of their own! So thia week, Justin's Mom, (who is the Grandma now) took the kids to pick out pumpkins. Then we all gathered for lasagna and a carving session at (Great) Grandma & Grandpa's house. Unfortunately Justin had to work, but Wyatt and I had a great time. Wyatt discovered that once I had scooped the guts out of his pumpkin, his cup fit nicely inside, so in and out went that 50 times. The end result was a nice classic pumpkin face, my specialty! Wyatt was pretty certain though when I put his on the kitchen floor, that it was a ball and seemed quite surprised by the weight of it!

Saturday night we had Josh & Misty, Audrey and Chris over to carve some again at our house so Justin could be there. We had some good results and as you can see we aren't the most creative bunch with the exception of Josh & Justin's pumpkins. Wyatt had the bright idea to tase the guts, and apparently didn't find the taste too bad because more then a few times I looked at him to find a string of pumpkins guts hanging out of his mouth! All in all it was a fun night and they are now proudly displayed on our front porch!

Monday, October 12, 2009


And a few fronts..

Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Drinker

Adventures with beets..
He loved them! Fresh from the garden

Here's us playing a little game of Where's Wyatt?

Saturday, October 10, 2009

These are Trying Times..

Trying to stay sane that is! I knew that day would come when Wyatt would start to test his independance, and let me tell you, that day is here. Being that he has always been such an easy going baby I never really had any "my head's going to explode" type days...until today.
This l-o-n-g day actually started last night when Wyatt decided my keys needed to be at the bottom of the toilet, so there they went. They were only in there a couple seconds but it was too late and my remote start could not be revived. I layed the remote start keychain on the counter hoping maybe overnight it would dry out and come back to life. Then this morning I woke up to a grumpy little boy, he was throwing his toys and trying to hit me, and not being his normal self at all. He even managed to pull off the top layer if his high chair tray and throw it at me!! He was pushing every button I had, and then he did just what he could to push me over the edge. I was in the bathroom finishing up doing my hair when in walks Wyatt. Before I had a chance to even notice what he was doing, up goes the toilet lid and in goes my wallet! UGH!!! So then I fish my wallet out of the toilet and decide we need to get out of the house. I grab the keys and of course, the keychain didn't make it through the night. So I use the key to unlock the car (the remote start is also an alarm) and what does it do...set the alarm off. Since this disarm button is on the un-working keychain I can't turn it off! After a few minutes of a piercing alarm breaking the normal silence of our neighborhood Justin figures out that if you start the car, the alarm stops...until you shut the car off again! So I grab my water logged wallet and head to the auto place that installed our remote start. Sure they have a replacement one...for $115.00! So I pull out my wallet and my debit card, wipe my wet card off on my leg and hand it over. And as an added bonus, when I turn my wallet over in my hand, cold toilet water drips out of it and trickles down my arm.
Well 115 dollars later, the alarm is off. However we still had major grocery shopping to do and a house to be cleaned. I wondered if 1pm was too early to start drinking? I decided I better not, but a few hours later I wished I had. Needless to say, Wyatt is in bed early tonight, and I am still trying to relax. At least this is not his everyday routine...I hope.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Life in a Box

I love the curiosity and intrigue that fills Wyatt's little head these days, and how everything can be a toy. Take for instance this storage bin. Justin put a couple pillows in it and Wyatt played for a while in it. Laying down like it was his bed, or kneeling down and hiding from us then popping up with a big smile on his face! Every time he would lay down he would say "ni ni" (night night) and close his eyes. I had to see what all the fuss was about, but when you have hardly any space to move, the box is a little less fun!

These are the things you have to do when the weather starts to turn cold and you have to move indoors! We haven't given into winter yet though, we won't go willingly! We spent Saturday afternoon raking my parents (huge) yard. It was a nice chance for Wyatt to run around and for us to breath in some of that crisp fall air. Justin also gave Wyatt a few wheel barrow rides!
And check out his new pants! These are some I knit for him last winter and they finally fit him! Although they do not have Justin's approval (because Wyatt shouldn't wear knit bell bottoms), they are awfully cute on him though.

One of the nice things about being a parent to a young child is that you can do so many of the fun things that people would otherwise call you crazy for if you didn't have a 2 foot tall person doing it with you...such as...dressing up =)
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