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Sunday, October 4, 2009

Life in a Box

I love the curiosity and intrigue that fills Wyatt's little head these days, and how everything can be a toy. Take for instance this storage bin. Justin put a couple pillows in it and Wyatt played for a while in it. Laying down like it was his bed, or kneeling down and hiding from us then popping up with a big smile on his face! Every time he would lay down he would say "ni ni" (night night) and close his eyes. I had to see what all the fuss was about, but when you have hardly any space to move, the box is a little less fun!

These are the things you have to do when the weather starts to turn cold and you have to move indoors! We haven't given into winter yet though, we won't go willingly! We spent Saturday afternoon raking my parents (huge) yard. It was a nice chance for Wyatt to run around and for us to breath in some of that crisp fall air. Justin also gave Wyatt a few wheel barrow rides!
And check out his new pants! These are some I knit for him last winter and they finally fit him! Although they do not have Justin's approval (because Wyatt shouldn't wear knit bell bottoms), they are awfully cute on him though.

One of the nice things about being a parent to a young child is that you can do so many of the fun things that people would otherwise call you crazy for if you didn't have a 2 foot tall person doing it with you...such as...dressing up =)

1 comment:

Cat said...

Awww, I love the pants!

I LOVE that aspect of being a parent- I can't wait until David's old enough that I have an excuse to go see kids movies :-)

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