Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Halloween has never topped my chart as far as favorite holidays go. I don't enjoy picking out a costume and I don't enjoy dressing up. Yet, ever since Justin and I have been together there is one thing that I now look forward to every Halloween, homemade clam chowder made by his Grandma.

October 31st is not only Halloween but Justin's Grandpa's birthday as well. This year was his 75th, so we had a lot to celebrate. Justin, Wyatt and I all dressed up to go over to his Grandparent's house and my friend Audrey accompanied us. Justin and I pondered for weeks, trying to come up with a costume for him. He wanted something creative, yet had no ideas. Since I had settled on a simple un-original surgeon, I put my focus into Justin's costume. Well one day when we were out looking for costume supplies Justin showed me a little jockey that was meant to strap on to a dogs back...well I figured Justin's almost as big as a why not make him a horse! So a horse he was.

Momma Surgeon, Wyatt skeleton

Audrey was a 50's housewife

Grandpa as a gondola drive and Grandma as the tooth fairy

A little sticky finger piano playing

Enjoying halloween treats

Lilli as a butterfly

The quilt that Jeannie made for Grandpa's Birthday, all hand stitched!

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