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Friday, April 2, 2010

In Color

After a walk with our doggies this afternoon, we came back to the house to play. The yard still has some snow cover, so we have the driveway to play in, but it seems to be all Wyatt needs. Today on our grocery trip I picked up some sidewalk chalk, not surprisingly though, the bucket they came in was a bigger hit than the chalk itself.

He tried it out for a minute, but taking all of the chalk out of the bucket and rolling them around in the driveway is just more fun.

And see this...this is my privacy fence! 22 "mammoth" sunflowers with growth potential of 7-12 feet. It will be a far better sight to look at then my neighbors unkempt back yard.


tbsomeday said...

those are cool pics!
love the one with wyatt and the dog prints...that would be frame-able at my house :)

sunflowers look good!

Cat said...

I like your idea for a fence!

David's big on buckets too... he likes to put them on his head and run into things. *sigh*

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